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The Law Society

  • Uoc law society logo 2021 2130


Welcome to University of Cumbria's Law Society!


As a society, we all understand how important hard work and diligence is when undertaking a law degree. That is why, above all, we strive to provide an opportunity for our members to be a part of a community of likeminded individuals, which stretches across all years of the LLB Law programme here at the University. Our aim is to create engagement between the year groups in the law school, but this membership is open to the whole University.  We offer both academic and social events, allowing our members to enrich their knowledge of the legal sector, all whilst having a bit of fun and a laugh along the way! 


As of the new academic year, the Law Society's Committee are as follows: 

President: Ghana Walker ( 

Vice-President: Owen Dawson (

Treasurer: Brandon Wright (

Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


Click here to view terms and conditions.