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Eco Module


Eco UCSU presents, 'A Day in your Life'

We have designed for you, a lifelong learning resource that will enhance your knowledge and skills base in all things sustainable. ‘Sustainable?!’ we hear you shout, the word ‘sustainable’ has been overused and perhaps alienated by the budding scientists of recent years, so we are here to bring it back down to earth, what does it really mean to us in the day to day?

We have covered a broad range of topics that you can all relate to; ranging from saving money, food, sustainable fashion and saving the world, of course! The module is still available HERE.


One of our participants, Jessica Thomson produced this poem after taking the module…

Before starting this Greener Minds Module,
I didn't know a lot,
But now that I've completed it,
I'm giving it a shot,
That shot being to change my ways,
To be more energy efficent throughout my days,
Of course there's so much more to it other than that,
So give this poem a read, go on, sit back!
I'm going to tell you what I've learnt so far,
From what I can compost to the pros of sharing a car!

I hope you learn something from me after this,
Obviously there's so much more!
- but too much to list... I've learnt about fairtraide - products produced,
by small-scale famer organisations for the likes of you!
The products meet sustainable social, economic and environmental rules,
Buying fairtrade supports the farmers, isn't that cool?
Believe it or not, Ben and Jerrie's is fairtrade galore,
As 77% of their ingredients are fairtrade and soon to be more!
I bet you didn't realise that when munching away,
that you've been eating fairtrade throughout your day!

Now one for the ladies, sustainable cosmetics,
There's currently no global standards for sustainability - which makes it hard to assess it
'It' being finding out what is in your favourite lipstick...
Would you rather natural ingredient or chemicals that are toxic?
Putting nasty chemicals on your skin does nothing but block it!

Using a car each day can cause so many dangers,
So I suggest you share cars - just not with strangers !
Ditch public transport and walk once a week I say...
You'll soon be more greener each and every day!

Finally we come to the subject of rubbish and dirt,
Recycle properly so no hedgehogs get hurt,
It only takes 5 seconds, or even less,
Recycle carefully is what I suggest!

Now why don't you invest in getting a compost heap?
You can compost hair, teabags and food - but definitely not meat!
I hope this has inspired you or you've learnt a new fact...
Once you go Green, you'll never go back!



Image by Kirree Swift.