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Academic Representation System Review

Every Higher Education Institution is responsible for ensuring that students receive good quality academic provision and a positive student experience. A vital part of this is the Academic Rep system. The role of an Academic Rep is to connect with students on their course, make sure they understand their cohort's opinions about the teaching and learning and feed this back to staff. They then work with staff to make improvements and keep students informed about these outcomes.


The current system was set up a part of a joint project between UoC and UCSU in 2011/12. The student body has changed since then and lots of students are now based off-campus, largely due to the growth in School Direct and apprenticeship programmes. The current system is based around the Student Staff Forum which is a formal meeting between Reps and academic staff to discuss feedback from students. This may not be the most suitable system for students based off-campus (42% of students) or those in small cohorts (16% of students are on a course which has 20 or less students enrolled). It seems timely, therefore, to review the reps system. 


We've started by finding out what guidelines are currently in place and asking last years’ reps about their experiences. Their responses suggest that the current system isn’t working as well as it could:

• Only 52% of reps felt any changes had been made as a result of their feedback.

• 28% of reps had raised an issue which hadn’t been resolved.

• Some reps found it difficult to find out what happened after they’d shared feedback. 32% weren’t kept updated about progress on issues; of those who were updated, 38% had to ask for information. 


We’re currently researching statutory guidance and exploring systems at other institutions to identify alternative models and best practice. UoC has appointed Collette Conroy as their lead on the project and we’re working alongside her to identify stakeholders and form a working group which will, of course, include student representatives! This group is aiming to produce draft frameworks for an improved system before the end of 2022/23. These will be shared with more widely with current reps who will be asked to consider the proposals and feedback their criticisms to the working group before any changes are adopted.  


  • Establish how today's system works
  • Identify what does & doesn't work
  • Confirm partnership with UoC
  • Form working group
  • Research statutory guidance
  • Identify best practice & alternative models
  • Create draft frameworks
  • Present drafts to stakeholders for feedback
  • Finalise updated framework
  • Roll out new system