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Academic Societies


Student -led Academic societies offer opportunities for peer led learning and academic exploration.

Such experiences encourage students to develop their own learning and subject exploration, enable them to act as scholarly communities and furthermore, provide opportunities for leadership and further professional development. 


At present, the University has the following registered academic societies, namely Bushcraft, Environmental Protection and Appreciation, Forestry, Mountaineering, Paddling, Sailing, Gallery, Wildlife, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Law, Paramedic, Performing Arts, Business and Occupational Therapy. Whilst the portfolio appears relatively healthy, a number of these societies struggle to operate, find the necessary memberships and often have no longevity. 


Working with the University, UCSU would like to ensure that student-led academic societies become a norm so that all students may benefit from scholarly extra-curricular activity and so that in future, this also may become a positive supporting factor to student recruitment.  


  • Explore what is traditional at other Unis
  • Identify potential societies at UoC
  • Create a promotional video
  • Prepare framework for societies
  • Define basic society offer
  • Present to stakeholders
  • Organise promo and comms
  • Get academic staff support
  • Support new and existing societies
  • Provide progress report
  • Establish promotional cycle
  • Embed practice
  • Evaluate and adapt